/ Documentation /Apps & Integrations Setup/ Tips for formatting Discord messages

Tips for formatting Discord messages

Mentions and notifications

  • Mentioning Users: To mention a user, type an open angle bracket, the at symbol (@), the user’s ID, and then close with another angle bracket.
    Example: <@1234567890>

  • Mentioning Roles: When mentioning a role, type an open angle bracket, the at symbol (@), the ampersand symbol (&), the Discord role ID, and close with another angle bracket.
    Example: <@&0987654321>

  • Everyone Notification: To notify everyone, simply type the at symbol (@) followed by “everyone“.
    Example: @everyone

  • Here Notification: For a notification to everyone present, type the at symbol (@) followed by “here“.
    Example: @here

Note: Follow these instructions to find Discord user IDs and role IDs

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