/ Documentation /Apps & Integrations Setup/ Getting Started with Twitter Integration

Getting Started with Twitter Integration

In this article, we will guide you through the process of connecting SureTriggers with Twitter with the help of Twitter Consumer API credentials.

You’ll learn how to create custom apps on Twitter, how to get your API key and secret key, and how to use it to connect your Twitter account with SureTriggers.

And it’s not as difficult as it sounds, we have explained everything step by step so it’s super easy for you.

So let’s begin!

What is a Custom Twitter App?

A custom Twitter app is like a special tool that you can create to use Twitter’s App in different ways.

In our case, we’ll be creating a custom Twitter app with basic information to get the API key and secret key which we will use to connect SureTriggers and your Twitter account.

How to Sign Up for Twitter Developer Account?

To create a custom app on Twitter, you must have an account on the Twitter Developer platform. If you have one already, great!

If not, you can sign up from here.

How to Create a Custom Twitter App?

After creating your Twitter Developer account, you can simply follow the steps below to create a custom app for Twitter.

To generate API credentials from a custom app, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Twitter Developer website and then click Developer Portal.
  1. Click Sign up for Free Account.
  1. Describe your use cases, select all checkboxes, and click Submit.
  1. Go to the Project Dashboard, navigate to Apps > App Settings, and click Set up under User Authentication Settings.

To set up the app, select the following options:

  • In the App Permissions section, select Read, Write, and Direct Messages.
  • In the Type of App section, select Web App and Automated App or Bot.
  1. Click Save and confirm the prompt by clicking Yes.

How to Get Your Consumer API Keys and Secret Keys?

Once have created your custom app, you’ll have access to your API Keys and Secret Keys. Copy the Consumer API Key and Secret values to a safe place. 

You can use these keys while creating a connection between SureTriggers and Twitter.

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