/ Documentation /Apps & Integrations Setup/ How To Set Up Webhook in BulkSMS.com?

How To Set Up Webhook in BulkSMS.com?

BulkSMS.com is a platform that enables businesses to send bulk SMS messages to their customers, clients, or employees. It offers features such as SMS campaign management, message scheduling, contact management, and reporting, allowing businesses to reach their target audience effectively via text messages.

In this article, we’ll understand how to set up webhooks in BulkSMS.com to receive notifications on a webhook URL.

Setting Up Webhook in BulkSMS.com

1. Go to www.bulksms.com

2. Click on ‘Settings’.

3. Click on ‘Advanced’.

4. Click on ‘Webhooks’.

5. Click on ‘Create Webhook’.

6. Enter a name for this webhook.

7. For Trigger ‘New Message Received’ – Select ‘a received message arrives’ from the ‘Trigger When’ Menu. For Trigger ‘Message Sent’ – Select ‘a status update arrives for a sent message’ from the ‘Trigger When’ Menu.

8. Paste the webhook URL to the URL field.

9. Select the ‘many messages’ option from ‘Invoke with’.

10. Check ‘the URL is ready to be triggered’ checkbox.

11. Click on Create.

That’s it! You have successfully added a webhook to your BulkSMS.com account.

Connect BulkSMS.com with the Power of Automation

If you want to connect BulkSMS.com with other apps that you use to automate processes, you must check out SureTriggers!

SureTriggers provides a number of BulkSMS.com integrations, including:

  • Google Sheets Integrations: Adding details to Google Sheets when a message delivery status is received.
  • AirTable Integrations: Updating records in Airtable whenever a new message is sent through BulkSMS.com, keeping your CRM data fresh.

These are just a few examples – SureTriggers unlocks a world of automation possibilities!

To learn more, join our Facebook community.

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