/ Documentation /Apps & Integrations Setup/ SureTriggers & Advanced Ads Integration Guide

SureTriggers & Advanced Ads Integration Guide

To help you track and manage your ads efficiently, SureTriggers allows you to automate notifications and other tasks specifically for Advanced Ads.

In this article, we’ll guide you through connecting SureTriggers with Advanced Ads, sharing some examples, and providing a step-by-step guide to creating a simple workflow.

What is Advanced Ads?

Advanced Ads is a popular ad management plugin for WordPress, offering features such as:

  • Ad Creation and Management: Easily create and manage different types of ads.
  • Ad Placement: Control where and when your ads are displayed.
  • Performance Tracking: Track the performance of your ads with detailed statistics.
  • Scheduling and Expiration: Schedule ads to start and end at specific times.

SureTriggers & Advanced Ads Integration Use Cases

With SureTriggers, you can automate various tasks related to Advanced Ads using the available triggers and actions.

Here are some of them:

  • Notify your team when an ad moves from draft to published
  • Alert your sales team when an ad is published
  • Log failed ads in Google Sheets
  • Update your CRM when an ad is completed
  • Send a reminder email when an ad is pending review
  • Post to Slack when an ad expires.

These are just a few of them. You can connect Advanced Ads with over 720+ apps available in SureTriggers and create endless workflows.

How Automation Works In SureTriggers

Automation in SureTriggers is based on Triggers and Actions.

A Trigger is an event that occurs in one app or service, and an Action is a predefined task that is performed in another app or service based on that trigger.

For example, a Google Sheet can be configured to update projects automatically on the Flowlu dashboard.

How to Connect SureTriggers with Advanced Ads

Note: Ensure you have both the SureTriggers & Advanced Ads plugin installed on your website.

  • Go to your SureTriggers dashboard and click Create Workflow.
  • Click Add Trigger and select “Advanced Ads” as the trigger app.
  • Select any event for now and click on the Select Connection dropdown.
  • If you’ve installed and set up the SureTriggers plugin on your website, it’ll show up here.

Click on the Continue button.

Creating an Advanced Ads Workflow in SureTriggers

In this section, we’ll create an example Advanced Ads workflow in SureTriggers. You can use this process as a reference for creating and configuring other workflows.

In this workflow, we’ll send an email notification to the sales admin once an advertisement expires.

Setting Up The Trigger

Create a workflow and select “Advanced Ads” as the trigger app. Then, follow these steps:

  • Select “Advanced Ads” as the trigger event.
  • Select the trigger event “Ad Status Changed.”
  • Select the preferred website under “Select Connection” and click Continue.
  • Select the preferred ad under “Select Ad”.
  • To send an email when a live ad expires, set the old status to “Published” and the new status to “Expired.” 
  • Then, click the Continue button.
  • Click the Fetch Data button to sync your data.

Finally, click on the Save button.

Setting Up An Action

To send an email notification to the sales admin after an ad expires, follow these steps:

  • Click on the + icon to add a new action.
  • Select the “Gmail” action app.
  • Select the Send Email event under “Select Event”.
  • Select the preferred email address under “Select Connection”.
  • Click on the Continue button.
  • Configure the email details here. (sender’s address, recipient’s address, subject, and body).
  • You can add multiple recipients separated by commas.
  • Additionally, you can type @ and add the ad data from previous steps in this email.

Click on the Continue button.

  • Click on the Test Action button to ensure the email is sent correctly.

If the action is successful, you’ll get a test email on the specified email address. Click on the Save button then. 

Congratulations! Your workflow is live. 

Now, whenever an ad status changes from “Published” to “Expired,” the specified email will be sent automatically.

Feel free to experiment with different workflow combinations to find what works best for you.

That’s it for this article. We hope it helps you. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

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