/ Documentation /Apps & Integrations Setup/ How To Set Up Webhook in Salesmate?

How To Set Up Webhook in Salesmate?

Salesmate is a cloud-based CRM software designed to help businesses manage their sales processes, customer interactions, and lead management.

In this article, we’ll understand how to set up webhooks in Salesmate to receive notifications on a webhook URL.

Setting Up Webhook in Salesmate

​1. Login to your Salesmate account.

2. Click on the top right icon > Setup.

3. Click on Sales Automation > Workflow Management.

4. Click on the ‘+New Rule’ button.

5. Select ‘Company’ if you want to execute the ‘New Comapny’ Trigger. Select ‘Contact’ if you want to execute the ‘New Contact’ Trigger. Select ‘Activity’ if you want to execute the ‘New Activity’ Trigger. Select ‘Deal’ if you want to execute the ‘New Deal’ Trigger.

6. Give a name to your rule, and click Next.

7. Under the ‘Execute On’ section select ‘Create’ & click Next. Note: For the ‘Contact Created/Updated’ trigger, select the ‘Create or Update’ option.

8. If you need you can set ‘Rule Criteria’ & click Next.

9. Under ‘Actions’ section, Navigate to Call Webhooks & click ‘+Add’ button.

10. Provide the name for your webhook & Select the Method as ‘Post’

11. Copy the webhook URL from the flyout & paste it under the ‘Url To Notify’ field.

12. Navigate to the ‘Body’ section & select the body type as ‘form-data’.

13. Provide relevant key name and corresponding value.

14. The value of the corresponding key can be set by clicking the ‘search icon’ and selecting the value from the dropdown, ex: {{Contact.firstName}}.

15. Click on Save.

16. Click on the Save button in the upper right corner.

That’s it! You have successfully added a webhook to your Salesmate account.

Connect Salesmate with Other Apps

If you want to connect Salesmate with other apps that you use to automate processes, you must check out SureTriggers!

SureTriggers provides a number of Salesmate integrations to help you automate processes like:

  • Create new leads or contacts in Salesmate whenever a lead is captured from any source
  • Send surveys or feedback requests to customers based on specific events, such as deal closure or service completion.

These are just some random examples of automation. SureTriggers can do a lot more!
To learn more, join our Facebook community.

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