SureTriggers Team
July 11, 2023

The Trigger Button is Finally Here! 🎉🎉

We’re super excited to share one of our most highly anticipated features with you: the Trigger Button!

Finally, it’s here!


Did you see a recent sneak peek that was posted in our Facebook group? It was about the Trigger Button. So if you saw that you may have some idea about what the trigger button can do. But let us fill you with some more details.

Basically, the trigger button is an awesome trigger app that lets you kickstart workflows with a simple click of a button on your website.

It’s like magic!

When someone clicks that button on your site, you can make things happen in other apps. Plus, you can even pass of the logged-in user’s data like their email, diplay name, etc. to those apps.

Now, take a moment from this post and imagine what you can do with the Trigger Button. You will realize that the possibilities are endless.

We’ve been thinking of all the great ways you can use this Trigger button. Whether you’re making courses, running an online store, managing memberships, or showing off a product on your website, this button can help you make things easier.

Let’s say you have a membership site with 100+ members. Now, suppose you want to host an online event using the Events Calendar plugin.

Usually, you would put a registration form on your website and wait for people to sign up for the event, right? That may seem like the simplest solution.

But with the Trigger Button, you can make it simpler.

You can simply put one button on the membership dashboard or somewhere where members can see it. The button can say something like “Attend Event” and when any member clicks the button, they automatically get registered for the event in The Events Calendar!


That’s right, they don’t have to go through the trouble of filling out a form.

But that’s not all. If you want to send event details to users after they register, you can simply add one action to send an email to the user.


Furthermore, if you would like to add the attendee details in a Google Sheet, you can do that as well.

This example is just the tip of the iceberg, like we said, you can do a lot of things with this trigger button. The sky is the limit.

Now, we want to you try the trigger button in your workflows. You can learn how to set up the trigger button and how to customize it here.

So try the trigger button and let us know what you think of it and if you need help!


Team SureTriggers!

SureTriggers Team
June 29, 2023

4 New Integrations: BuddyPress, FunnelKit Automation (CRM),, and Delighted!

Introducing 4 New Integrations

This week, we’ve introduced five awesome new integrations that we think you’ll love.

These integrations include BuddyPress, FunnelKit Automations,, and Delighted!

We’ve actually received numerous requests from users like yourself to add these apps to SureTriggers over the past few months. So, we listened to your feedback and made it happen!

If you’re curious about what these integrations can do for you, we’ve got all the details. Check out the complete information below to discover the different workflows you can create in SureTriggers with these integrations.


This was one of the most requested integrations.

If you do not know already, BuddyPress is a free and open-source plugin for WordPress that allows you to create a social networking website or community. It provides features to build online communities, including user profiles, activity streams, groups, messaging, and more.

When you connect it with SureTrigger, things get even better. You can automate tasks and make your community website work smarter.

We’ve added 16 triggers and 13 actions for BuddyPress that can help you automate a lot of tasks.

For example, you can connect BuddyPress with gamification plugins like GamiPress to automatically award points to group members when they update their BuddyPress profile or avatar. Workflows like this would help you increase engagement in your community.


Next comes which is a marketing software for sending automated and targeted emails, push notifications, and SMS to lower churn, and create a stronger relationship.

Integrating with SureTriggers allows you to automate various aspects of your customer communication and marketing processes.

One such example includes event tracking and triggering emails. You can create a workflow that sends a follow-up email or a personalized message when a user completes a specific action or reaches a certain milestone.


Delighted is a customer feedback and survey platform that helps businesses measure customer satisfaction and collect actionable insights. It allows you to gather feedback from customers through various channels, such as email, SMS, web, or in-app surveys.

Using SureTriggers, you can connect Delighted with 100s of other apps and automate repetitive tasks.

For instance, you can create a workflow to add new feedback to Google Sheets right away for analysis purposes. At the same time, you can send a quick Slack message to your team, letting them know about the feedbacks without lifting a finger.


FunnelKit Automations (CRM)

We have also added 4 triggers and 4 actions for FunnelKit CRM so you can create advanced automation workflows.

For example, you can create a workflow to automatically add tags to contacts when they complete a lesson on your LMS platform.

Additionally, you can take actions in 100s of other apps when events happen in FunnelKit CRM like new contacts being created or removed!


5 New Actions for Heartbeat

Remember that we launched a Heartbreat integration a couple of weeks ago? Well today, we’re excited to let you know that we’ve added five new actions to HeartBeat, so you can do even more cool things.

The actions that we added are:

  • Add to Group
  • Deactivate User
  • Remove user from Group
  • Find User
  • Create User

That covers everything in this update.

So if you use any of these apps, you can automate tasks related to these apps using SureTriggers easily.

You can start right now by clicking here.

And yes, remember our next milestone of 200 integrations?

We’ve gotten very close to it. Our hardworking team has built and is still building many integrations, which will be released in the coming days. We’ll keep you posted.

Until next time,

SureTriggers Team

SureTriggers Team
June 21, 2023

Introducing 8 New WordPress Integrations!

In this update, we bring you a bunch of exciting integrations that will level up your WordPress automations.

Our expanded list of integrations now includes popular applications such as MemberPress Courses, GamiPress, WooCommerce Subscription, WooCommerce Membership, Events Manager, Jetpack CRM, Kadence Form, and more.

Moreover, we have added a few more triggers and actions for existing WordPress Integrations.

So keep reading to know more about these new integrations.

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SureTriggers Team
June 14, 2023

Announcing New Game-Changing Feature: Recipes! 🎉

We’ve got some incredible news to share today.

Over the past few months, our team has been hard at work developing game-changing features for SureTriggers. These are not just any features; they are designed to elevate your no-code automation to new heights. 

Some recent releases include Workflow History, API App, Formatters, and more.

Not just that, our team has been tirelessly adding new integrations week after week. Now we’re about to reach the 200 integration milestone soon!

And today is again one of the big days as we release one of the most desired and helpful features – Recipes!

Wondering what are recipes, why they’re awesome, and how it benefits you?

Let us walk you through it! 🌟

What are recipes? 🧩

Recipes are essentially ready-made templates. They help you understand how different apps can be connected together and the amazing possibilities they can create when you connect your apps.

And if you’re a beginner, recipes allow you to start building workflows without having to stare at the blank canvas screen. 

At the click of a button, you will have 70% of the workflow ready. Now, you just need to connect your apps and set up the rest of the automation.

What are the benefits of recipes?

Our recipe features countless benefits. They offer a multitude of advantages for automating your tasks. Let’s explore some key benefits:

Automation Inspiration

When you browse through the available Recipes, you’ll find lots of cool ideas for automation that you might not have thought about it before.

For instance, if you use Slack and Jira, you might not have realized that you can create tasks in Jira just by dropping a message in a Slack channel.

Imagine this: you’re chatting with your team on Slack, talking about a project or task.

Instead of switching between apps and manually creating the task in Jira, all you have to do is drop a message in the right Slack channel and a task is automatically made in Jira!

This integration between Slack and Jira is just one example of the many possibilities out there for automation.

So when you’re checking out Recipes, keep an open mind and be ready to discover new ways to simplify your work.


With recipes, you can import multi-step workflows into your account with apps and events selected already. All you need to do is simply configure the steps as per your needs.

If you start from scratch, you will spend a lot of time thinking about the triggers and next actions. But with recipes, we have made it easy for you.

We have connected everything between the trigger and the last action steps. You just need to fill the gaps in between.

Let’s say you have imported a recipe to create a Jira task from Slack message for convenience.

Now to make this workflow work, you just need to connect your Slack workspace and Jira account in the workflow steps.

That’s all!

Workflow Customizations

When you use a recipe as a workflow, you can customize it by adding more actions or using delays, between two actions.

Imagine you import a recipe to create Google Calendar events when a lead is collected through TypeForm.

But then you realize you want to take it a step further and send a Slack message to your team so they can connect with the lead.

Well, you can easily make that happen by including a new action within the existing workflow.

Reliability and Efficiency

Our recipes have been thoroughly tested, and they work just the way we designed them to. You can trust that they will function as intended.

This means you don’t have to waste time and effort in trial and error to see if a workflow can do what you want it to do.

For example, if the recipe is about sending a Slack message whenever a new task is created in ClickUp, rest assured, it will work seamlessly!

Learning and Skill Building

Recipes are actually pretty awesome because they give you a chance to keep learning and get better at automation.

When you follow the instructions step by step, you learn a lot about automation techniques and the best ways to do things.

And guess what? This helps you become more skilled in creating automated workflows.

Evergrowing Recipe Library

Our recipe library is constantly growing. It means that we will keep adding new recipes frequently covering all the possible and helpful automation that you can benefit from.

We aim to build recipes for e-commerce, project management, lead management, HR, accounting, social media marketing, etc.

With each new addition, you’ll have access to fresh ideas and approaches to streamline your work and make your life easier.

So, keep an eye out for the latest recipes and stay ahead in the automation game!

How to Use Recipes?

To use a recipe as a workflow, you can simply import the desired recipe in your account, set the triggers and action in it, and publish it.

The process to import the recipe is super easy. Still, here’s an article that step-by-step explains how you can import recipes into your account.

What’s Next?

Well, there’s a lot we have on our roadmap.

But first, we would really appreciate it if you try out Recipes and share your experience with us. Simply drop an email at [email protected] with your suggestions, feedback, or concerns. We love hearing from you!

And if you do not have a SureTriggers account, simply get it for free from here.

We’re currently working on some really awesome features that will make your experience with SureTriggers even better.

One of the big things we’re working on is the ability to add team members to your SureTriggers account. This means you’ll be able to invite people to create and manage your workflows.

Along with the team members feature, we’re also working on another fantastic feature: the ability to create different workspaces in your SureTriggers account. This means you can manage multiple projects all from one account.

No more hassle of switching between different accounts or platforms. Everything will be organized and easily accessible in one place.

We’re really excited about these new additions, and we think you’re going to love them too.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to take your workflow management to the next level with SureTriggers!

SureTriggers Team
May 29, 2023

Get Ready for the Next Level: SureTriggers Added 10 New BIG Integrations! 🚀

We’ve expanded our platform with a range of new integrations such as LinkedIn, Razorpay, Heartbeat, Intercom, Crove, Billsby, and many more.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also introduced a showcase page on our website where you can check the list of available apps in SureTriggers.

Keep reading to know more about these new changes.

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