SureTriggers Team
August 16, 2023

Presenting RSS Feed Integration!

We have fantastic news that will make many things easier for you.

Imagine this: It’s a busy Monday morning, and you have a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and your laptop open on the desk.

You plan to catch up on all the latest news and articles from your favorite websites. You start by clicking on one site, scrolling through the homepage, clicking on an interesting article, reading it, and then heading back to the homepage to repeat the process for another article.

As you dive deeper into the sea of information, you realize that you’ve lost track of time, your coffee has gone cold, and your patience is wearing thin.

Well, say goodbye to that hassle! We have just introduced RSS integration.

With RSS + SureTriggers, you can receive notifications on your favorite apps as soon as a new article pops up on any website you follow.

No more endless scrolling – we’ve got you covered. You can check the notifications and determine if the news is important for you or not.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

So, what else can you do with RSS in SureTriggers?

Get creative with it; it depends on the apps you use.

For example, if you manage communities with platforms like BuddyBoss, you can automatically send articles from the websites you like directly to your BuddyBoss group to keep your community engaged.

Similarly, you can create workflows to share RSS feeds with the apps you prefer!

And if you need help, here’s a document that will help and remember, we’re just a message away whenever you need!


SureTriggers Team

SureTriggers Team
August 9, 2023

New Integration: Connect MailerLite Classic With Other Apps!

Thousands of happy users have been using the new version of MailerLite since it launched in March 2022.

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SureTriggers Team
August 1, 2023

Improved Integrations – SureCart, BuddyBoss, and Easy Digital Downloads!

At SureTriggers, we’re always making things better. Almost every week, we add new integrations so you can connect the apps that you use with each other and automate tasks.

And not just that, we keep improving our existing integrations like adding more triggers and actions, making the data that’s fetched from apps more detailed, etc.

Today, we’ve introduced some new triggers and actions for three of the most popular apps in SureTriggers: SureCart, BuddyBoss, and Easy Digital Downloads!

Let’s see how these new triggers and actions can benefit you!

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SureTriggers Team
July 25, 2023

Introducing 2 New Integrations: Xero &

Many users, just like you, asked us to add Xero and integration to SureTriggers.

So we’ve heard you loud and clear 🙌

And today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve made it happen!

Now, you can connect Xero and with many other plugins and apps using SureTriggers to automate repeating tasks.

Whether you’re managing your finances with Xero or handling projects with, you can automate your work in a lot of ways.

Let’s take a closer look and learn more about these new integrations!


Xero is an accounting application that offers intuitive mobile apps and web interfaces for tracking business expenses and managing accounting tasks.

You can create workflows to automatically create invoices and update customer info in Xero when a new payment is received in Stripe.

Additionally, when there are new bills or payments in Xero, you can set up workflows to send emails and update information in your CRM.

Xero-actions is a project management tool that helps you keep track of tasks in your project, letting everyone know what’s been done on a task—and what needs to be finished right now.

You can create workflows that trigger when specific events occur in other apps, such as receiving a new email, a new tweet, or a new form submission. These workflows can automatically generate new items (tasks, projects, etc.) in a board, incorporating the relevant information from the initial trigger event.

Hope you find these additions helpful.

Now, it’s time for you to create workflows with these new apps and automate tasks! And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


SureTriggers Team

SureTriggers Team
July 11, 2023

The Trigger Button is Finally Here! 🎉🎉

We’re super excited to share one of our most highly anticipated features with you: the Trigger Button!

Finally, it’s here!


Did you see a recent sneak peek that was posted in our Facebook group? It was about the Trigger Button. So if you saw that you may have some idea about what the trigger button can do. But let us fill you with some more details.

Basically, the trigger button is an awesome trigger app that lets you kickstart workflows with a simple click of a button on your website.

It’s like magic!

When someone clicks that button on your site, you can make things happen in other apps. Plus, you can even pass of the logged-in user’s data like their email, diplay name, etc. to those apps.

Now, take a moment from this post and imagine what you can do with the Trigger Button. You will realize that the possibilities are endless.

We’ve been thinking of all the great ways you can use this Trigger button. Whether you’re making courses, running an online store, managing memberships, or showing off a product on your website, this button can help you make things easier.

Let’s say you have a membership site with 100+ members. Now, suppose you want to host an online event using the Events Calendar plugin.

Usually, you would put a registration form on your website and wait for people to sign up for the event, right? That may seem like the simplest solution.

But with the Trigger Button, you can make it simpler.

You can simply put one button on the membership dashboard or somewhere where members can see it. The button can say something like “Attend Event” and when any member clicks the button, they automatically get registered for the event in The Events Calendar!


That’s right, they don’t have to go through the trouble of filling out a form.

But that’s not all. If you want to send event details to users after they register, you can simply add one action to send an email to the user.


Furthermore, if you would like to add the attendee details in a Google Sheet, you can do that as well.

This example is just the tip of the iceberg, like we said, you can do a lot of things with this trigger button. The sky is the limit.

Now, we want to you try the trigger button in your workflows. You can learn how to set up the trigger button and how to customize it here.

So try the trigger button and let us know what you think of it and if you need help!


Team SureTriggers!