Practical Guide to Intelligent Automation: What You Need To Know

Practical Guide to Intelligent Automation: What You Need To Know

Forget flying cars – the future is here, and it’s all about Intelligent Automation (IA).

This transformative tech is revolutionizing businesses by automating tasks and enhancing decision-making.

In this post, we’ll dive into the world of IA, exploring its incredible benefits and real-world applications.

More importantly, we’ll show you how to leverage IA to gain a serious competitive edge with SureTriggers.

Intelligent Automation Technologies: The Dream Team

Intelligent Automation Technologies: The Dream Team

Imagine a world where robots handle the boring stuff, while a smart assistant makes decisions and learns from experience.

That’s the magic of Intelligent Automation (IA).

The Robot Worker: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Think of RPA as tireless digital assistants. They automate repetitive tasks like data entry, form processing, or scheduling, letting you focus on more important things.

The Smart Assistant: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is the brains behind IA. It helps the system learn and understand what’s happening.

Machine Learning (ML) is a type of AI that gets smarter with more data.

Machine Learning: Learning on the Job

Imagine feeding a ton of information to a super student – that’s ML in action!

ML uses data to learn and improve over time, allowing the system to identify patterns, make predictions, and get better at its job.

Working Together: A Powerful Team

RPA automates tasks, but what if things change? That’s where AI comes in.

By combining RPA with AI and ML, the system becomes more intelligent.

For example, an RPA bot handling customer emails could use AI to understand the email, route it to the right department, or even try to solve the problem there and then!

Together, RPA, AI, and ML form a powerful team, streamlining workflows, improving decision-making, and freeing you to focus on what matters most.

Putting Intelligent Automation to Work: Step by Step

Ready to harness the power of intelligent automation in your business?

Step 1: Find the Right Targets

Step 1: Find the Right Targets

Look for repetitive, rule-based tasks that eat up time and resources. Think about areas prone to errors or with lots of data to handle.

Example: An eCommerce store could target order processing, which often involves retrieving customer info, verifying orders, and generating invoices.

Step 2: Map Out Your Workflows

Step 2: Map Out Your Workflows

Visualize each step in your processes, identify bottlenecks, and pinpoint where IA can add the most value.

This helps you tailor the automation to your needs.

Example: A hospital could map its patient intake process, highlighting insurance verification, appointment scheduling, and data entry as potential bottlenecks.

Step 3: Crunch the Numbers

Step 3: Crunch the Numbers

Evaluate the costs and potential returns of implementing intelligent automation.

Factor in time saved, resources freed up, and possible cost reductions to see if it makes financial sense.

Example: A manufacturer considering automated inventory management would calculate the IA solution’s costs versus the savings from reduced labor and optimized ordering.

Step 4: Find the Right Tools

Step 4: Find the Right Tools

Research IA platforms and solutions, considering factors like scalability, ease of use, and compatibility with your existing systems.

Choose a tool that fits your goals and budget.

Example: A marketing agency might look for an intelligent automation platform with a user-friendly interface, seamless social media integration, and the ability to scale.

Step 5: Bring It to Life

Step 5: Bring It to Life

Break the project into manageable phases, define roles and responsibilities, and set a timeline.

Remember, successful adoption requires effective change management. Prepare your team, address concerns, and provide proper training.

Example: A law firm automating document review could start with a pilot phase, followed by training lawyers on how to collaborate with the IA system.

Real-World Applications of Intelligent Automation

Real-World Applications of Intelligent Automation

Here are some examples of intelligent automation in action:

Financial Services

  • Streamlined loan processing: IA handles the repetitive stuff like document checks and credit reviews, so loan approvals happen faster and customers are happier.
  • Fraud detection: Algorithms analyze tons of data to spot suspicious activity in real-time, keeping financial institutions and customers safe.

Customer Service

  • AI chatbots: 24/7 virtual assistants answer common questions, troubleshoot basic issues, and connect customers to the right resources, freeing up human agents for more complex inquiries.
  • Sentiment analysis: Intelligent automation can read between the lines, identifying positive or negative feelings in customer interactions. This helps businesses address concerns and improve the experience.


  • Diagnosis support: AI analyzes medical scans and patient data to assist doctors, leading to faster and potentially more accurate diagnoses.
  • Automated data analysis: IA handles tasks like blood test analysis and report generation, allowing medical pros to focus on patient care and make data-driven decisions.


  • Predictive maintenance: Intelligent automation uses sensor data to predict equipment failures before they happen, preventing costly downtime and production delays.
  • Supply chain optimization: IA algorithms crunch vast datasets to ensure the right materials are delivered to the right place at the right time, minimizing waste and boosting efficiency.

SureTriggers: Supercharging Your Intelligent Automations


Intelligent automation is already transforming businesses, but what if it could react instantly to specific situations?

SureTriggers bridges that gap with event-driven automation.

Imagine a platform that listens for key events in your business, like a new customer registering or a data breach.

SureTriggers captures these events and directs the appropriate action within your IA ecosystem.

This could be:

  • Triggering an RPA bot to handle a repetitive task like processing a new order.
  • Initiating an AI workflow for complex decision-making, like analyzing customer sentiment.

A SureTriggers Case Study: Customer Support Revolution

Let’s see it in action:

  1. Capture the event: A customer submits a support ticket on your company website. SureTriggers recognizes the need for assistance and captures the event.
  2. Trigger the action: SureTriggers activates a pre-programmed RPA bot.
  3. RPA bot in action: The bot analyzes the ticket content, uses keywords to categorize the issue (billing, technical, general support), and assigns it to a support agent.
  4. Enrich the workflow: The bot goes further, extracting relevant info from the ticket and pre-filling internal forms, saving the agent time.

With SureTriggers and intelligent automation, the customer support process is supercharged. Issues are resolved faster, and customers are happier.

But this is just one example – SureTriggers unlocks IA’s full potential across your whole business.

The Exciting Future of Intelligent Automation

The future of intelligent automation is bright, with AI becoming more sophisticated and widespread.

Picture AI not just handling repetitive tasks, but tackling complex decisions too.

While IA will impact the workforce, it’s not a job-killer.

Upskilling and reskilling will be crucial to ensure humans and machines work together in harmony.

By harnessing the power of intelligent automation, you can boost efficiency, cut costs, and make smarter decisions.

Embracing IA and its future progress will open up a world of opportunities, helping you stay ahead of the curve. SureTriggers is your gateway into that world.

Get started with SureTriggers now!

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