7 Ways To Do Surveys: Form Automations Made Easy

7 Ways To Do Surveys: Form Automations Made Easy

Just launched a new product and are being flooded with customer surveys?

Exciting, but also a bit overwhelming, right?

Sorting through all those responses by hand can feel like climbing a mountain.

While it’s nice to get feedback, it’s a lot of work to sort and assess them!

Form and survey automation tools can streamline the whole process, saving you time and headaches.

Let’s explore how it can transform gathering feedback and make the most of invaluable customer input.

Advanced Automation Techniques

Let’s get straight to it with some advanced automation techniques for forms and surveys.

We’ll be using our own automation tool for this, SureTriggers.

Conditional Logic: Smarter Forms, Happier Respondents

1. Conditional Logic: Smarter Forms, Happier Respondents

Conditional logic in forms can make your surveys much smarter and more engaging for respondents.

How it works:

  • Branching questions: You can set up rules in your form that adjust the following questions based on a user’s previous answers. For example, you have a question about their job, depending on what they select, the form will automatically route to the next relevant set of questions.
  • Skipping irrelevant questions: Don’t bombard everyone with questions that don’t apply to them. The survey can dynamically adapt, keeping it concise and interesting.

For example, if someone says they don’t own a pet, you can skip all the pet-related questions and move on to more relevant topics.

The benefits:

  • Improved user experience: Shorter, more personalized surveys lead to higher completion rates and happier respondents.
  • Targeted data collection: You’ll get more accurate and actionable insights because you’re asking the right questions for each specific situation.

By using smart conditional logic in your forms, you create a much smoother experience for survey takers.

Automatic Routing: Stop Sorting, Start Acting

2. Automatic Routing: Stop Sorting, Start Acting

Tired of manually sorting through submissions? Automatic routing can take that tedious task off your plate.

How it works:

You set up some simple rules, like flagging high-priority leads or serious customer complaints. Then the system automatically routes those submissions straight to the right team or individual.

The benefits are clear:

  • Faster response times – The right people get the important information instantly so you can take quick action.
  • More efficient use of your team’s talents – They can focus on strategic work instead of monotonous sorting.
  • Fewer mistakes – No risk of missing or misdirecting critical submissions.

Automatic routing streamlines workflows and improves customer service. It’s an easy way to work smarter, not harder!

Pre-Populated Forms: Save Time, Reduce Errors

3. Pre-Populated Forms: Save Time, Reduce Errors

With pre-populated forms, you can make customer’s lives easier while improving data quality.

How it works:

  • Connect forms to existing data sources, like your CRM system.
  • When someone starts a form, their basic info (name, email, company) is automatically pre-filled.

The benefits are clear:

  • Faster form completion – No more repetitive typing for users.
  • Improved data accuracy – Pulling from reliable sources means fewer typos and errors in your database.

It’s a win-win! Your users have a smooth, efficient experience, and you get cleaner, more useful data to work with.

Automatic Data Validation: Stop Red Flags Before They Start

4. Automatic Data Validation: Stop Red Flags Before They Start

Automatic data validation can put a stop to data and format mistakes before they even start.

How it works:

  • You set up some simple validation rules for forms – things like required fields, character limits or proper email/phone number formatting.
  • When someone tries to submit a form, the system checks their entries against those rules. If anything’s off, it flags the issue right away.

The benefits are clear:

  • Clean data from the start: No more wasting time trying to fix avoidable typos and inconsistencies.
  • Reliable insights: With accurate, validated data, you can trust that decisions are based on the real story, not misleading information.

Automatic validation is an easy way to keep your data squeaky clean and your processes running smoothly.

Scheduled Delivery and Reminders: Never Miss a Beat

5. Scheduled Delivery and Reminders: Never Miss a Beat

Staying on top of your survey schedule can be a real headache. That’s where scheduled delivery and automated reminders come in.

How it works:

  • You schedule surveys in advance, choosing the optimal timing to reach your target audience.
  • The system then automatically sends out those surveys and follows up with gentle reminders, so people don’t forget to respond.

The benefits are clear:

  • Higher response rates: By hitting people at the right time and gently nudging them, you’ll get more of your target audience completing surveys.
  • Streamlined workflow: Everything is scheduled and automated, freeing you up to focus on other priorities.

Scheduled delivery and reminders take the stress out of the process, helping you gather more valuable data without the hassle.

Integration with Third-Party Tools: Making Tools Talk

6. Integration with Third-Party Tools: Making Tools Talk

Integrations can make different apps talk to each other to streamline workflows.

How it works:

  • Automated data flow: Your survey responses and other form data can automatically feed into connected tools.
  • Targeted campaigns: You can even trigger personalized email campaigns or other actions based on survey answers.

The benefits are clear:

  • Effortless workflows: No more copy-pasting or importing/exporting data. It all flows seamlessly between platforms.
  • Actionable insights: With a unified view of data, you can make smarter, more personalized decisions to improve products, marketing, and customer experience.

Integration helps break down those data walls and unlock the full value of your survey insights.

Automated Reporting and Analysis: Ditch the Spreadsheets

7. Automated Reporting and Analysis: Ditch the Spreadsheets

Drowning in data but struggling to extract meaningful insights? Automated reporting and analysis can be your lifeline.

How it works:

  • The system automatically analyzes form and survey responses based on custom rules you set.
  • It then transforms that data into easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and summaries of key findings.

The benefits are clear:

  • Save time and resources: Ditch the endless spreadsheets and let the automation handle the data crunching.
  • Gain valuable insights: Uncover trends, identify patterns, and develop a deeper understanding of your audience and their behaviors.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Make informed choices with clear, reliable insights at your fingertips.

Automated reporting and analysis will be your new best friend, freeing you up to focus on high-impact, strategic work.

Stop the App Juggling: Meet SureTriggers


SureTriggers is a user-friendly tool that connects all your favorite platforms, so you can ditch the app-hopping and streamline your workflow.

For example, a new lead fills out a Typeform – SureTriggers can automatically add their information to a CRM like Salesforce or HubSpot.

The benefits are clear:

  • Simple automation: Just set up triggers and actions, no coding required.
  • Time-saving: Bye-bye busywork, hello productivity.
  • Organized data: Keep everything flowing smoothly in one place.

SureTriggers helps you take control of data and use it to make smarter business decisions.

Give SureTriggers a try and see how it could help your business!

Real-World Automating Lead Management With SureTriggers

The struggle: Many businesses use web forms like Typeform or Google Forms to capture leads. Sales teams then have to manually download submissions and enter them into a CRM, like Salesforce or HubSpot.

The solution: SureTriggers can automate the entire process. You can set up a workflow that triggers an action every time a new lead submits a web form. This instantly transfers all information – name, email, company, and more – directly into your CRM.

The benefits: The automatic lead routing ensures faster processing and improved accuracy. Qualified leads flow seamlessly into your CRM, allowing your sales team to focus on nurturing relationships and closing deals.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Data

Automation tools like SureTriggers revolutionize how you handle forms and surveys.

Smart features streamline workflows and unlock new possibilities – targeted marketing, automated reporting, and more.

Embrace automation, reclaim lost time, and focus on growing your business. Take control of data and watch your efficiency skyrocket!

Boost Your Survey Process with SureTriggers – Start Free Trial Now!

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