Looking for a Free Zapier Alternative? Switch to SureTriggers!

SureTriggers is the best Zapier alternative with a better interface, and advanced features to connect your favorite apps and WordPress websites!

Trusted by 100,000+ Businesses

1,000+ Integrations

Powerful Automations, Affordable Price

There are many reasons people are switching from Zapier to SureTriggers.

SureTriggers is

90% cheaper

than Zapier

SureTriggers is rated

5/5 stars

where Zapier is rated 2.2/5 stars

SureTriggers has more

WP Integrations

than Zapier

90% More Affordable Than Zapier

SureTriggers is the business-friendly choice. It costs 90% less than Zapier without compromising features!

Professional plan with 5,000 tasks


Multi-step workflows
Unlimited workflows
Zap templates
Auto Replay
Zap paths
Delay and Schedule
Pro plan with 5,000 tasks


or $399 for Lifetime

Multi-step workflows
Unlimited workflows
Pre-built recipes and automation templates
Re-execute failed runs automatically
Delay and schedule
Trigger button
Professional plan with 5,000 tasks


Multi-step workflows
Unlimited workflows
Auto replay
Delay and schedule
Trigger button
Pro plan with 5,000 tasks

$399 One Time

Multi-step workflows
Unlimited workflows
Pre-built recipes and automation templates
Re-execute failed runs automatically
Delay and schedule
Trigger button

4.2 Million+ Businesses Trust Our Products

4,218,679 businesses rely on our top-tier WordPress products, crafted by the expert team behind some of the industry’s most recognized tools.

SureTriggers has transformed marketing automation by seamlessly integrating with our CRM and other essential tools.  It streamlines repetitive tasks, minimizes manual errors, and significantly boosts productivity. With features like custom workflows and automation triggers, SureTriggers is an invaluable asset for any business looking to enhance lead generation, improve customer engagement, and achieve better marketing results.

Build Powerful Workflows in Just 3 Steps:

Choose Your Trigger

A trigger is an event that starts an automation. For example, a new order received by your eCommerce platform could initiate a series of tasks in other apps.

Set Up Your Action

An action is the event that occurs after a workflow is triggered. For example, when receiving a new order in your eCommerce platform, an action could be sending an order confirmation email to the customer.

Publish and Go!

Publish your automation, test it and that’s it! You’ve now created a workflow with a trigger and one or more actions!

What Makes SureTriggers So Good?

See how SureTriggers revolutionizes workflows with its cutting-edge automation features.

Easy to set up
Visual automation builder
Easily create multi-step automations
Integrate with popular web applications and WordPress plugins
Create multiple organizations and invite team members and clients
Powerful formatting tools
Control task timing with the delay and schedule app
Transfer data from different sources using Webhooks and APIs

Find the Perfect Plan – One-Time Payment, Lifetime Value

Enjoy automations for life, with no recurring fees – just pure value, forever.

Save 33% with One Time Payment


For individuals to automate their business and increase productivity.

$599 $399

5,000 Tasks/mo
Zapier charges

$1068/year for 5,000 tasks/mo

Pro includes:
Connect 5 WordPress websites
1 workspace
Data logs for up to 15 days
2 team members/workspace
Standard support
Premium apps such as
Trigger Button
Delay, Schedule
Filter, Conditions
Most Popular
Save 33% with One Time Payment


For freelancers, organizations, and teams who need the full features.

$1049 $699

Or pay in 11 payments of $69/mo

10,000 Tasks/mo
Zapier charges

$2028/year for 10,000 tasks/mo

Business includes:
Unlimited WordPress websites
5 workspaces
Data logs for up to 30 days
10 team members/workspace
Priority support
Premium apps such as
All apps in Pro
API Integrations
Email Parser
Save 33% with One Time Payment

Business Plus

For enterprises, agencies, and businesses to create sub-accounts.

$2239 $1499

Or pay in 11 payments of $149/mo

30,000 Tasks/mo
Zapier charges

$3677/year for 30,000 tasks/mo

Business Plus includes:
Unlimited WordPress websites
Unlimited workspaces
Data logs for up to 30 days
10 team members/workspace
Priority support
Premium apps such as
All apps in Pro
API Integrations
Email Parser

All plans include these features

Pre-built recipes (automation templates)

Unlimited workflows

Multi-step workflows for advanced automation

Auto-Retry of failed tasks

All plans include these features

Pre-built recipes (automation templates)

Unlimited workflows

Multi-step workflows for advanced automation

Auto-Retry of failed tasks

100% No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t like our products over the next 14 days, then we will gladly refund your money. No questions asked!

14 Days

Money Back Guarantee


Satisfaction Guaranteed


World Class Support Team

Sujay Pawar

Co-founder, SureTriggers

SureTriggers vs Zapier

SureTriggers is just as capable as Zapier even though it costs much less.

Powerful Features To Automate Your Business

Visual Automation Builder

Visual canvas builder to enable you build automations in just a few minutes.

Multi-step Automation

Create multi-step automations to execute a sequence of tasks after a specific event.

Web App Integration

Transfer data between your favorite apps like Mailchimp, Gmail, and HubSpot.

WP Plugin Integration

Integrate with WordPress plugins like Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, Elementor, and others.

Link Multiple Sites

Connect one website to another (e.g. WooCommerce on one and LearnDash on the other).

Build Advanced Workflows

Customize workflows efficiently using delay, schedule, conditional logic, filters, and more.

Invite Team Members

Invite teammates to collaborate, and streamline workflows in a secure environment.

Detailed History Logs

View detailed information from your workflows. Troubleshoot errors and track activities.


Add delays between workflow steps (e.g. sending a feedback survey 2 days after your webinar).


Perform tasks on fixed schedules, like sending daily reminders, or generating weekly reports.


Use the loop app to repeat actions or operations within a workflow using different data values.


Manipulate data that passes between apps, like changing date formats, capitalizing names, and more.

Email Parser

Extract data from incoming emails and pass it to other apps that you’re using.

RSS feed Triggers

Collect data from any website using RSS and automatically pass it to any app using webhooks.

Trigger Button

Start an automatic workflow when a visitor clicks a button linked to a call to action.

Webhooks & APIs

Send and receive data from different applications using a webhook or API.

What Big Brands Are Saying About Us

SureTriggers stands out as a powerful automation platform. Its ease of use and seamless integration with over 1000 apps and services, combined with deep WordPress plugin and platform support, make it an excellent choice for automating repetitive tasks and enhancing productivity.

With flexible pricing options, SureTriggers is a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their processes effectively.

SureTriggers is a must-have automation platform for any business. It simplifies process automation with its user-friendly interface and integrates with over 1000 apps like Slack and Google Sheets.

Ideal for both blogging and eCommerce sites, it helps reduce errors and optimize workflows effectively.

SureTriggers is a great automation tool. With seamless integration with platforms like MailChimp and ActiveCampaign, it automates follow-ups, personalized offers, and lead nurturing, ensuring timely and effective customer engagement. 

Its versatile features and ease of use make managing email campaigns a breeze.

SureTriggers simplifies automation with its easy-to-use platform and seamless integration with over 1000 apps and WordPress plugins. 

Its visual workflow builder and features like paths and formatter make creating custom automations effortless, saving you time and enhancing efficiency.

SureTriggers offers a powerful alternative to Zapier with its seamless app integrations and automated triggers. It excels in delivering personalized messages and timely follow-ups, significantly enhancing customer engagement and acquisition. 

By capturing and analyzing key customer data, SureTriggers helps you tailor your marketing efforts and run effective multi-channel campaigns, making it a valuable tool for boosting conversions and streamlining your customer journey.

SureTriggers is the ultimate automation solution for organizations looking to streamline processes, save time, and maximize production. 

It helps organizations to take control of their operations and promote development in a fast expanding digital ecosystem with its user-friendly interface, strong capabilities, and seamless connections.

Why People Love SureTriggers

Greger Hillman

Founder Hillman Academy

I’ve been using SureTriggers for 4 months and love it! It’s faster, more affordable, and has amazing support compared to Zapier. Now, all my automations, including WordPress, run through SureTriggers. I’d give it 10 stars if I could!



SureTriggers is amazing for automating and connecting any service. It has truly streamlined my business processes, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to automate their workflows effortlessly

Reuben Hochstetler

Touchdown Tech

Finished migrating my Zapier automations to SureTriggers and saving over $4k/year. Zapier was great, but SureTriggers does everything my Zaps did at a fraction of the cost.

Larry Snow


Howdy! I was faced with a specific problem of sending an automated email with an auto-generated WooCommerce coupon code to someone who fills out a MailerLite popup form. SureTriggers was the solution – and at a nominal cost. I was very impressed!

Dawson Woods

WordPress User

I’ve had issues twice. Once, it turned out to be a bit of an impossible ask. The second time they literally updated the plugin a week later with the specific feature I needed. Hard not to be impressed after that.

Nicole Sauk


SureTriggers has been a great solution for automating our business tasks. It’s user-friendly, integrates with 1,000+ apps, and is a cost-effective alternative to Zapier. Highly recommend it for streamlining workflows!

Frequently Asked Questions

All You Need to Know About SureTriggers

Automate Your Business With SureTriggers

You can start for free. No credit card required.

Trusted by Thousands of Businesses
Built by Experienced Industry Experts
24/7 World Class Support Team
Trusted by Thousands of Businesses
Built by Experienced Industry Experts
24/7 World Class Support Team
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